- 升级改造钟表
- 关于 COMTOISE 的文献
- 拨号
- 时钟指针
- 装饰件
- 装饰板+边框
- 摆
- 钟声
- 个重量
- 门+面板
- 组合备件
- 车间需求
- 出售古董家具
- 精密机芯
- 新手表
- 古董钟表
- Morbier Clocks 1st H. 18 th. century
- Morbier Clocks 2nd H. 18 th. century
- Morbier Clocks 1st Half 19 th. century
- Morbier Clocks 2nd Half 19 th. century
- Nr. 153 Morbier clock with pressed pendulum, flower decoration. Price upon request.
- Nr. 78 Morbier 30 days clock with lyre pendulum, 1870. Price upon request.
- Nr. 145 French Morbier clock, verge escapement, rural scene. Price upon request.
- Nr. 146 French Morbier clock with vintage scene, 30 day mvmt. Price upon request.
- Nr. 34 French Morbier clock, three-quarter chiming on three bells. Price upon request.
- Nr. 142 French Morbier clock with romantique scene. Price upon request.
- Nr. 26 Morbier with central second hand and three bells. Price upon request.
- Nr. 24 Morbier clock with central second hand. Price upon request.
- French wall clocks
- French table clocks
- French longcase clocks
- English table clocks
- English longcase clocks
- German table clocks.
- German longcase clocks
- Clocks sold
- 配饰 破旧别致的手表 + 镜子
- 跳蚤市场
- 印记+数据保护
- 一般条款和条件
Comtoise theme by Andreas Kindelberger